Thursday, August 27, 2009

my scale is an asshole!

anyway, besides the fact that my scale is an asshole its Thursday and its not weigh-in day so I will ignore the asshole and continue on with my post(day I mean)!

So last night I went straight to bed! I had a bad headache all day! uhh, anyway its gone now and thats all that matter! So yesterday I didn't do anything and I know I went over my cal, I haven't listed them yet cause I'm a lil' scared. I decided to have a hamburger with bun, hot dog with bun. I had a piece of meatloaf for lunch and about 3/4 cup of potatoes... along with my breakfast which is roughly 275 cal, all I know the bun was 180 the other bun was 140, the hot dog was 170, and everything else I am scared to know about.. cc says that the meatloaf was 250(which I feel is wrong) and than a cup of potatoes... AND a hamburger! crap crap crap! oh well!

so anyway! back to my day, I did do something productive this morning! I did 100 jumping jacks and various other movement(pilates) exercises this morning! My butt hurts a lil! I have been trying very hard to be more active and WORKOUT! I think tonight after I finish all the work I need to do I will do the EA active! I think im ready! I really want to do it on hard too. hmm I also kind of want to walk on the treadmill, I will see how far I get.

Besides working out I have alot that I need to accomplish! Tonight I am going over EVERYTHING I need to get done. Goals, end results, bills, plans for the future, household projects... blablablabla... EVERYTHING. I want to know what has to be done through till the end of the year and where I should be come Jan 1. Not only do I want a rockn' body by that time but I want a rockn' life too! I want everything in order and perfect by the end of the year. I need to plan out my daughter b-day party, the holiday season, anything and everything! I want it all done and whatnot by the first of september. so essentially I am giving myself this weekend! I am going to plan out different things to do every week, and I will report every Tuesday not only my weight but how my tasks went. (i'll prob also be reporting daily but that's besides the point). I have alot in life that I want to accomplish and I need to get my act back on track! I feel much better confidence wise that I can fit into a size 8 and I still have much more to go till I feel comfortable where I am and I need to regain the harnesses on my life!

Now I also wrote down my measurements (post them later), I will take the pics this weekend! I am very excited for Tuesday! I am hoping that I can gain enough control to be 150 by Tuesday or at least back to 151! I will let you know, like I said I have that party so if I do maintenance that will have to do.


  1. Don't be so tough on you! Your doing wonderful!

  2. Ditto to what Sheila says! You are doing great. We can't beat ourselves up on our off days or we just tend to keep beating ourselves. Write is off as a lesson learned... and start a new day fresh. Good Luck with the upcoming challenge!



Measurments- sept 1, 2009

L arm: 12.5
R arm: 12.5
L thigh: 26
R thigh: 25.5
L calf: 15
R calf: 14.5
Bust: 34.5
Waist: 37
Thighs: 40.5