Wednesday, January 20, 2010

So I know I already blogged but I have more to say!

First off, I am at a halt about the apartment search, but I have better news, I went to social services office the other day, cause they wanted to cut my baby's benefits off(not a problem they should be reinstated in 6weeks), But I spoke with the lady and I can reapply for food stamps and "child care" so I can pay my MIL rent without us paying for it and I can save 500 bucks a month on food. Cause for some reason I have been spending an awful lot on food these past few weeks. I think its cause now I am buying food for 3 instead of 2. But anyway. I am happy for this conclusion I was dreading the other day to go all the way out there and deal with this bs but the woman was so nice and helpful! She gave me all the applications and it took no time at all! I am going to be submitting everything this weekend! So that means if 5 weeks we can really get moving with paying off all our bills and starting to look forward!

I also want to say that I seriously plan on working out this afternoon. SERIOUSLY! You know I plan on using the Wii, and that EA active game that collects dust in the corner... yea that old thing!

I have been so out of blog world lately that I just wanted to say that I miss all my friends! I have been going to different blogs throughout the day and enjoying catching up with old friends! I miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things are working out with the benefits situation. There's nothing more stressful than all that stuff being up in the air.



Measurments- sept 1, 2009

L arm: 12.5
R arm: 12.5
L thigh: 26
R thigh: 25.5
L calf: 15
R calf: 14.5
Bust: 34.5
Waist: 37
Thighs: 40.5