Thursday, December 03, 2009


I think I found an apartment!!!!

Seriously! I know its a basement, but I know the woman that is renting and she has a big house and a very nice house. It is close to where we are now, but in a different town. I will be closer to my mom, which could be good or bad. BUT, I am happy cause the woman renting it is such a nice lady and if she met my daughter (sucker for cute kids), she would practically rent it for free!!!! I am having my mom call this afternoon to find out! Uhh, Oh GOD PLEASE!!!!! Now the other thing is if it is the full basement than the apartment is HUGE! I really really wish this goes through. Cause I know if it does this is really a god sent. I will push it off till the first if I can but I soo want to move asap. The other thing, knowing my mother if this apartment is good for us and works, she will help us pay for the down payment. I know it sucks that I need her help but at this point I do to move out asap. I just hope that everything goes well. I have soo much to do if we do get this apartment and it all has to be done now! Wow, so much for having 3 months! Oh I am so excited, I was jumping for joy before.. hehehe, one of the guys I work with must really think I'm crazy... oh well!

So I am hoping that it is for 900, if so that will be 1800 bucks we need. We can so do the 900 and than if my mom helps us with the other 900 or if the woman says that we can pay just 450, WOW! Now I know that they aren't in any sort of financial crisis both of them are retired its a big house and their daughter just moved out from the upstairs. So they have no need for the basement and would prob enjoy the extra income instead of rely on it. This is a positive for me. I know that I would love to offer as much as possible to them but I can't at the moment.

I will even tell her that I will pay her more when we have more but right now we just don't. I sooo hope that this is going to go in the right direction! I so don't want to jinks it, but if this goes through I will be moving!!!! AND... It would have met my goal of by the end of the year! YAHHHH! Oh I love meeting my goals! Now if I could just lose 10lbs????

So I was all sluggish today now I am all nerves waiting to find out more from my mom. It might take a day or so but I will find out soon! AH got to go do work... lata!


  1. OMG! That's awesome. I've got my fingers crossed for you. :)

  2. I have my fingers crossed!!! Good luck. I hope it all works out for you!



Measurments- sept 1, 2009

L arm: 12.5
R arm: 12.5
L thigh: 26
R thigh: 25.5
L calf: 15
R calf: 14.5
Bust: 34.5
Waist: 37
Thighs: 40.5