Thursday, September 10, 2009


So today I woke up, right all whatever as I always do and drag myself to my scale. 148.5! WOW! oh I am soo happy right now.. well ACTUALLY, I could care less about the number! I decided to see if my shoes from prepreggo fit cause it looked all gloomy out and I didn't feel like wearing flip flops. So I go digging in my storage closet for my old shoes(not really old but I though I would never be able to wear them again) I pull out my roxy shoes first, They fit lil tight no biggie, I can live without them. Than Im like let me see if my Bandolino sneakers fit.... DING DING DING! THEY FIT! so I am the HAPPIEST person in the world right now! To top it all off my mom was RIGHT! ha, she said keep your shoes they might fit you again... AND they doo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god! I can't believe that my shoes fit! and my boots fit too! OH and my nine west heals fit also! Im wearn' those tomorrow for my interview!

So besides the fact that its thursday and im at 148, I can fit into my old shoes! I cant believe this! my mom is going to be soo happy! I can fit into my cloths I can fit into my shoes and I weigh LESS than I did before I got preggo... TODAY IS A WONDERFUL DAY!


  1. Congrats! That's so fabulous Chupsie! Enjoy your new (old) shoes!

  2. You are Rockin!!! Isn't it the best when old clothes start fitting? My "skinny" jeans (not technically skinny, but the ones shoved in the closet hopelessly gathering dust because even though they're too small they WILL fit one day Jeans) finally fit me back in May, I was so proud. Now they need a belt to not fall off! I am still in shock over losing more than my pre-prego gain! We will make it!

    CONGRATS! CHEERS for a 148 :)

  3. Wonderful job! I think it's so great that you are happy with the number on the scale, and you have a new pair of "old" shoes!!

  4. Fabulous!!

    Nothing worse than outgrowing shoes. I went up a half size with each child & never went back down. I mourned the day I gave away all of my shoes.

    I'm so glad you kept yours & are able to wear them again. Good advice from mom. :)

  5. I was just telling my dh on Sunday I LOVE going "shopping" in my closet! Congrats on the new (old) shoes!! WOO HOO!!! Your hard work is really paying off. Keep at it!!

  6. Congrats! That is very exciting! I know I have a few things sitting in my closet waiting for me to shrink a few sizes.

  7. Yay! Praying for your interview to go well!



Measurments- sept 1, 2009

L arm: 12.5
R arm: 12.5
L thigh: 26
R thigh: 25.5
L calf: 15
R calf: 14.5
Bust: 34.5
Waist: 37
Thighs: 40.5